dogBar® M small white with porcelain bowl

dogBar® M small white with porcelain bowl

The dogBar® M small classic is a dog bowl for design lovers. It is 100% produced in Germany. The filigree moulded wood in combination with the porcelain bowls from the porcelain manufacturer Reichenbach makes the dogBar® a real design classic. Alternatively, the dogBar® is available with polished and food-safe stainless steel bowls. We offer the dogBar® in three sizes. The dogBar® M small is tailor-made especially for small dogs with a shoulder height of 40 to 60 cm. Six different surfaces and regularly appearing limited (extra) versions also ensure that all dog owners will find the dogBar® that suits them.


Prices incl. VAT shipping costs

Availability: This product is currently not available

Article Number: 60438


Mops, Jack Russell Terrier, Dackel, West Highland Terrier, Cavalier King Charles, Scottish Terrier

M Small

36 cm x 24 cm x 14 cm

Length x width x height

Mops, Jack Russell Terrier, Dackel, West Highland Terrier, Cavalier King Charles, Scottish Terrier


Korpus aus massivem Schichtholz, Näpfe aus edlem Porzellan, Fassungsvermögen 2 x 1,3 l


Mit der dogBar® classic beweisen Designliebhaber wahren Stil: Ihr solider Echtholzkorpus bildet klare Kontraste zu den eingefassten, hochglanzpolierten Edelstahl- oder Porzellanschüsseln – eine Futterstation für höchste Ansprüche an Form und Funktion. Die Schüsseln sind spülmaschinengeeignet.

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